in “C à vous”, her daughter, Tiphaine Auzière explains why she thought of “hiding”

Being labeled as a “son of” or “daughter of” can sometimes be difficult to deal with. Tiphaine Auziere is unfortunately aware of this, but that does not mean that she does not wish to assume her name, and especially her membership in the “Macron clan”.

Indeed, Brigitte Macron’s daughter published her first novel on March 6, 2024, Assises, published by Éditions Stock. A project she had been thinking about for 10 years, as Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine recalled when Tiphaine Auzière visited
on the set of C to you

this Wednesday March 13, 2024.

The presenter of the France 5 daily took advantage of the arrival of Emmanuel Macron’s daughter-in-law to ask her the reasons which pushed her to hide her novel from those around her.

Also see: Brigitte Macron attacked: Tiphaine Auzière and Alexandre Benalla get involved…

Tiphaine Auzière hesitated for a long time to publish her novel under a pseudonym

“Because I already needed to mature it. Because it was something that touched me enormously. Because I was inspired by trials in which I was able to be a lawyer. So it took time to mature it. And then I know that those close to me may not be objective. I wanted to keep that until I was sure of what I was going to do.”has explained Tiphaine Auziere to the presenter.

But once the advice of professionals had been received, she finally showed the fruit of her work to her “mom but also to the French teacher that she is”. But the status of Tiphaine Auziere can lead to strong criticism. The main interested party is aware of this and it is also because she is the daughter of Brigitte Macron that she thought of publishing her work under a pseudonym.

“It’s a question I asked myself.”she admitted when Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine asked her if this idea had crossed her mind. “And then I said to myself, I have a name and an existence. I don’t see why I would hide it. And I didn’t want to give that example to my children. So he was out of control. question of hiding behind a nickname”finally recognized the daughter of Brigitte Macron.

She therefore assumes her status, even if she is aware that her work “will attract hatred or praise, unreasonably”.


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