Camille Lacourt reveals that Alice had her second breast removed: she gives news after the operation

It is a new very difficult ordeal that we are currently experiencing Camille Lacourt and his companion Alice Detollenaere. The former swimming champion is in a relationship with the one who was Miss Burgundy since April 2019 and the two lovebirds live a very beautiful story despite the illness which affected the young woman. In January 2020, the beautiful brunette reveals that she has breast cancer. Unfortunately, the operations were not over since she had to undergo a new one today, as she announced on her Instagram account, without giving too many details.

A few hours ago, Camille Lacourt decided to say a little more about the operation of his spouse. He did it as if he were talking to his son, Marius, whom he had with Alice last June. “Today my son, your mom is going to have her second breast removed, You can be proud of her Marius, at least as much as I am”, writes the ex of Valérie Bègue. A beautiful message that he accompanies with three photos of Alice giving the bottle to the adorable Marius. “In addition to living this operation, she exchanges and shares this ordeal with thousands of people to reassure them, to listen to them! Alice you are an amazing mom and wife. Today and for the rest of our lives I am proud to be by your side”he concludes his beautiful message.

It’s booooo it’s done! Zero pain but I’m knocked out

Obviously, this tender word had the desired effect since the young woman has just given news of the operation and everything went very well. In her story, she publishes a selfie where we see her in a hospital gown, just after the intervention. “It’s booooo it’s done!, she exclaims. Zero pain but I’m knocked out”. Very good news for the former Miss who was quickly able to make a video call with her son. “And I saw my baby Marius, everything is OK at home”she rejoices.

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