Yannick Noah victim of racism… These terrible remarks that keep haunting him!

At 62, Yannick Noah has accomplished countless things in his life! Although he has a busy career, the artist intends to surprise his fans with his upcoming projects. This Sunday, October 16, 2022, the ex-companion of Isabelle Camus spoke about it in the columns of the Sunday newspaper. After three years of discretion, the singer is proud to unveil his 12ᵉ album called La Marfee.

The opportunity for him to talk about his new life and his incredible journey. Despite his immense popularity, Yannick Noah has been the target of nasty criticism several times… To this day, part of the wealthy class seems to resent him, as he pointed out bluntly. The reason ? His actions to help the most deprived annoy…

“I got fucked up on social media…”

Between my image and my humanitarian convictions, something was wrong. I didn’t want to be the negro on duty anymore, I wanted to express things.” indicated the singer to our colleagues. “I can be wrong, talk bullshit, but if someone asks me a question, I answer. And during this time, I get bored listening to people who always say the same things, starting with athletes. So I went from number one to… non-existent! “.

And that’s not all… In 2014, his song “Ma Colère” had the merit of worsening the situation. So much so that Yannick Noah decided not to perform it on stage anymore. A radical decision certainly, but which was necessary for him: “People are not ready, they suffer. When I made this song, I was France’s favorite personality, I had the power to do good, to bring blacks and whites together, that’s my whole story.” added the happy father of five children. “But I got screwed on social networks: suddenly, I was an African, I was invited to go home, I was called a tax exile… All these elements of language that have been coming back for twenty years. “. A sad fact that challenges…


to see also: Yannick Noah drunk during the Monte-Carlo tournament: The former athlete looks back on an epic event in his career!

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