accused of attempted rape, Mason Greenwood held in pre-trial detention

The Manchester United player was arrested for the first time in January 2022, before being released under judicial supervision, which he did not respect.

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Manchester United striker Mason Greenwood, charged with “attempted rape” and “wilful assault”, was remanded in custody by a judge on Monday. The 21-year-old, who is also charged with “controlling and coercive behavior” on the same victim, appeared for the first time after being arrested on Saturday for violation of his judicial control.

Greenwood had been arrested for the first time at the end of January after the publication on social networks of photos and videos showing a young woman with a bleeding face, with bruises on her body with the mention “to anyone who wants to know what Mason Greenwood is really doing to me”. He was released in early February, under judicial supervision.

Dressed in a gray hoodie and jogging pants, the player spoke only to state his name, date of birth and address.

The attempted rape was allegedly committed in October 2021 and the assault two months later. The charge of “controlling and coercive behavior” relates to acts between November 2018 and October this year, during which time the player allegedly posted threatening and insulting messages towards the complainant. He also allegedly spied on and hacked into her social media accounts.

Hope of English football (1 selection), Greenwood was quickly suspended from training and match by his club after his arrest. In the days that followed, the sponsors had also quickly distanced themselves from the player, Nike terminating the contract binding them on February 7. Video game giant, EA Sports, had removed him from the FIFA 22 game squads.

The player’s next appearance before a magistrate has been set for November 21.

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