“We said nonsense!”

On January 25, Florent Pagny announced on social networks that he was suffering from a inoperable lung cancer. And a few months later, in the columns of Galahis removal from the spotlight. “After The Voice, I continue with my last chemotherapy, and after that, it’s over! I’m going to get back on my feet, enjoy life, my loved ones close to nature and that’s a chance. I’ll do regular check-ups during these six months of break. Then I will come back”, he said last May. And since then, everyone has been worried about the state of health of the singer, coach of Nour, the big winner of the eleventh season of “The Voice”, who gave his news recently.

It must be said that Florent Pagny is one of the leading singers of the French music scene, with a good number of hits to his credit. “Knowing how to love”, “My freedom to think”, “Anything”…. And precisely, the latter, which is also his first hit, had caused controversy when it was released, his brother Frédéric at the center of it all.

In this song from 1987, Florent Pagny talks aboutdrug addiction and of a loved one who sinks. “Hey, you don’t think I’m going to stay without saying anything. Ah don’t think I’m going to stand there, watching you die in your delirium, watching you do anything”sings the artist.

And in his clip, his brother Frédéric appears, suggesting that the singer is addressing him. Especially since he was forced to deny the accusations in 2020, against journalist Eric Le Bourhis, on the occasion of the release of the book Florent Pagny, portrait of an eternal rebel. “We said anything about this story, it’s the case to say it! Once and for all: I’ve never taken drugs!”, he said, annoyed. That same year, Current wife had even restored the truth about it, explaining that this song was dedicated to comedian Riton Liebman, a former heroin user.

Antoine FM

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