Unilingualism: a historic number of complaints against Air Canada and Michael Rousseau

“My office continues to regularly receive complaints against him,” lamented the Newspaper the Commissioner of Official Languages, inundated with a historic number of 3,371 complaints concerning Air Canada and its CEO, Michael Rousseau, in five years.

In November 2021, The newspaper reported that the new boss of Air Canada, Michael Rousseau, had chosen to deliver his first major speech in Quebec in English only even though the company is subject to the Official Languages ​​Act.

Two years later, Prime Minister François Legault received him in his office and subsequently wrote on social networks that he had discussed “economic projects and the importance of protecting French in Quebec” with him.

Jean-Pierre Beaudoin, a businessman from Quebec, will long remember his last trip to Florida on the wings of Air Canada. He can’t stomach the fact that a service in English was imposed on him from Quebec.

Photo Diane Tremblay

Manhandled Frenchman

However, last Wednesday, we learned in the Canadian carrier’s circular that barely 15% of Air Canada administrators speak “fluent French”, even though the official language of Quebec is French.

“Six of the seven members of our executive committee are bilingual, and Mr. Rousseau has continued to respect his personal commitment to learning French,” we could read.


Image provided by Air Canada

Can Michael Rousseau give an interview in French? How many hours per week does he devote to learning the official language of Quebec?

Despite several reminders on Thursday, Air Canada did not deign to answer questions from Newspaper.

Remember that the salaries, bonuses and benefits of Air Canada’s five biggest bosses flirted with $23.8 million last year, or 7.6% more than in 2022.

“Exemplary leadership”

Questioned by The newspaper, the Commissioner of Official Languages ​​of Canada, Raymond Théberge, has once again scolded Air Canada for its behavior towards Francophones, in particular that of its number 1.

“The speech by Air Canada CEO, Mr. Rousseau, generated several hundred complaints. The issue was raised in two successive annual reports to recall the importance for senior managers to demonstrate exemplary leadership in matters of official languages,” he recalled.


The Commissioner of Official Languages, Raymond Théberge.

Photo Boris Proulx

According to him, issues related to Air Canada’s compliance with the Official Languages ​​Act have lasted for too many years and must immediately end.

“By taking concrete measures to promote the use of both official languages, these people set an example and are better able to promote better representation of the Canadian population,” he concluded.


Image provided by the Commissioner of Official Languages ​​of Canada

–With the collaboration of Sylvain Larocque

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