the opponent of the Russian regime “embodied a hope”, according to Michel Duclos, former advisor to the French ambassador in Moscow


Video length: 14 min

Funeral of Alexeï Navalny: the opponent of the Russian regime “embodied a hope”, according to Michel Duclos, former advisor to the French ambassador in Moscow

The funeral of opponent of the Russian regime Alexeï Navalny took place on Friday March 1. Thousands of Russians gathered despite the risk of arrest. Michel Duclos, diplomat and former advisor to the French ambassador in Moscow, was the guest of 19/20 info.


The funeral of opponent of the Russian regime Alexeï Navalny took place on Friday March 1. Thousands of Russians gathered despite the risk of arrest. Michel Duclos, diplomat and former advisor to the French ambassador in Moscow, is the guest of 19/20 info.

The funeral of Alexeï Navalny, opponent of the Russian regime, brought together thousands of Russians on Friday March 1. Michel Duclos, diplomat and former advisor to the French ambassador in Moscow, estimates in 19/20 info that it is “the system of government” who killed Alexei Navalny “litle by litle”. The opponent “had touched a very sensitive nerve (…), he had found an angle of attack which resonated with the population”, analyzes Michel Duclos. According to the diplomat, Alexeï Navalny “embodied a hope”. “It would be surprising if other Navalnys, other figures, did not rise”he adds.

Navalny’s widow could “embody” a “resistance”

Alexeï Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaïa could “incarnate” this “resistance”but “it’s very difficult being abroad”, indicates Michel Duclos. If she goes to Russia, she risks being arrested because of her comments which could be described as extremist, according to new Russian laws. “The Kremlin people killed him”, she said. Regarding the war in Ukraine, “there are mixed feelings” among the Russian population, “but the whole art of the regime is to shift the debate and make people believe that we are being attacked by the West”analyzes Michel Duclos.

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