those disturbing messages from Johny Depp about Amber Heard that resurface…

After a long love story and two children with Vanessa Paradis, Johnny Depp then shared the life of American actress Amber Heard. Following their meeting and love at first sight on a set, the two lovebirds got married in 2015… before being at the heart of a very controversial divorce in 2016.

That year, Amber Heard had indeed moved the whole world by asking for a divorce from Johnny Depp, claiming to be a battered wife for months. It is also the swollen face that the pretty blonde had gone to the first hearing of the trial of their divorce. Very quickly, faced with the testimonies of the young woman, the actor of Pirates of the Caribbean was singled out, accused of being a violent man, and became persona non grata in Hollywood.

But several months after Amber Heard’s divorce petition, Johnny Depp decided to reveal his truth and assured that it was HE who was beaten by his wife. Videos, audio messages but also photos in support, the actor tried to be heard, in vain. On social networks, her fans are now fighting to reveal the true face of Amber Heard who allegedly lied and who, according to them, would have manipulated the media and the justice system in order to pose as a victim…

“I will kiss his burnt corpse”
Today, a private conversation between Johnny Depp and his friend Paul Bettany resurfaces. An exchange of messages in which the actor spoke of his desire to “burn alive”, his ex-wife Amber Heard. Several years after the controversy, Paul Bettany once again spoke about this exchange in the columns of the Times: It was a surreal and embarrassing moment. I didn’t know Johnny when he was married to Amber. I have known him before. But we haven’t spoken for years. So during their marriage, it’s as if I didn’t know either of them. I wasn’t around to have that kind of conversation.”

However, the conversation relayed by the American press shows that the two men would have evoked the fact of burning Amber Heard, or of drowning her as at the time of the witch hunt in order to verify that she was indeed a ” evil creature”. “We drown it and then we burn it. I’ll fuck her burnt corpse, after all this, to make sure she’s dead“ would have even concluded Johnny Depp…

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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