Top Chef: A winner changed by cosmetic surgery, amazing before/after!

Big change for one of the winners of Top chef ! On social networks, Samuel Albertwinner of the tenth season of the culinary competition broadcast on M6 in 2017, shares stunning before/after of his transformation. The opportunity for him to reveal having had recourse to cosmetic surgery a year ago now. After the metamorphosis in Paris of Jérémy Moscovici, also a former candidate for the program, now Samuel Albert flew to Turkey to have hair implants.

It is in story on Instagram that the former comrade and rival of Guillaume Pape in Top chef displays montages more than speaking. In the first photos, Samuel Albert’s skull appears bald. While on the second images, taken a year after his visit to a clinic specializing in hair transplantation, he displays an incredible mass of hair.

It all started in March 2021 for the star of the kitchen. Direction Istanbul for Samuel Albert, accompanied by his beautiful Monica, pregnant with their first child. There, the couple toured the city, “tasted lots of good things“and especially went to an institute where the charming 33-year-old brunette went through the different stages of the transplant.”If you’re watching this video, it’s probably, like me, you want to do a hair transplant. Me, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and found Now Hair Time on Instagram. I must say that I am really super satisfied, the service is really at the top. It costs about five times less than in France and the services are much more premium“, he indicated via a video at the time posted on the account of the clinic. And to give news after the intervention: “The operation went very well, it was not painful at all.. Obviously, a little headache but not more than that.

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