Stéphane Plaza announces that he wishes to end his television career!

Stéphane Plaza

has several strings to his bow between his job as a real estate agent, acting and even television and radio. Despite this frantic pace, the 53 year old man

still finds time to indulge in his passions. After a summer which was not easy since he had his share of adventures, Karine Le Marchand’s friend

resumed service on M6 with Search for apartment or house Or he helped Camille Froment find the house of her dreams.

In addition to his project with his father,

he will also be back in House for sale.

Although he has signed a new five-year contract with the M6 ​​group, Stéphane Plaza is already thinking about his future. And it could be his final TV deal. “I have incredible loyalty to this channel, and I won’t go to another one. In 2028, I will be 58 years old. Maybe I will play more in the theater, in the cinema, or I will fly away to live my life differently. I worked a lot, I sacrificed a lot of things, including in my private life, but my life is still a fairy tale.” he revealed to our colleagues at Tele-Leisure in June.

A professional reconversion already mapped out?

See also: Stéphane Plaza victim of a violent fall

Under contract since 2006, Stéphane Plaza has produced a series of concepts and programs around the real estate market. Moreover, the flagship host of M6 already has his own idea of ​​what he would like to do next. The famous real estate agent would indeed like to concentrate on comedy. A passion that has always driven her and which pushed her to join the Levallois conversation at the age of twenty, hiding it from her parents.

“Thanks to this, I can bring out emotions deeply buried within me. I didn’t want to consult a psychologist, but I think that theater is a real therapy for me. It allows me to work on my soul”, confided Stéphane Plaza in particular. One thing is certain: despite his retirement from television, he will stick around.


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