Demonstrations were notably planned for Shahid Day, which pays tribute to Algerian fighters who died during the Algerian War.
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The police prefect has banned the demonstrations planned for Sunday February 18 in Paris for Shaheed Day, dedicated to the Algerian fighters who died during the Algerian war, and in connection with Hirak, a movement protesting Algerian power. LThe Paris police headquarters justifies this decision “due to the risk of serious disturbances to public order”.
A rally was planned for 2 p.m., Place de la Nation in Paris, at the call of a collective to commemorate National Shahid Day, which pays tribute to Algerian fighters who died during the Algerian War (1954-1962) which led to the country’s independence. Rallies were planned in the capital for the fifth anniversary of Hirakpopular protest movement to oppose in 2019 the election for a fifth term of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, pushed to resign.