Pacific friend Niyokwizera arrested for sexual assault

One of the friends of Pacifique Niyokwizera, who suffered a muscular police arrest last weekend in Quebec, was pinned Thursday for having sexually assaulted two teenage girls with two alleged accomplices, our report learned. Investigation office.

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Kalilou Barry, 19, has given media interviews in recent days to denounce the police brutality allegedly suffered by his friend Pacifique Niyokwizera, 18, near the Dagobert. Barry was in the group accompanying the young man when the altercation with the police broke out on the night of October 26-27.

However, Barry has been in the sights of the sex crimes investigators of the Service de police de la Ville de Québec for a few weeks, can we read in confidential documents obtained by our Investigation office.

The 19-year-old was arrested at his home on Thursday. He will appear on Friday to face two counts of sexual assault on a person under the age of 16, with the participation of another person.

The alleged facts occurred on the night of August 4 to 5.

The other two alleged accomplices are the subject of a warranted arrest warrant.

It is impossible for us to reveal their identity, since they were minors at the time of the facts. However, one of them is of age by now and the other will be by the holiday season.

The trio may have claimed other victims. The investigators would have collected a dozen testimonies of young girls in connection with the behavior of these three individuals. Some reportedly claimed to have been drugged with GHB before being assaulted.

Kalilou Barry’s speech in the media over the past few days would have also prompted other teenage girls to denounce him to the police. Conversely, a minority of young girls would have been cooled by the media attention devoted to her.

Note that Barry’s arrest would not be linked to the violent intervention at Dagobert, which is currently the subject of an internal investigation by the Quebec police force and an investigation by the Police Ethics Commissioner. Five police officers were also suspended with pay following this event.

According to our information, the authorities would have liked to act quickly to protect possible new victims, because the attacks would have occurred at parties held mainly on weekends, in apartments in Quebec.

– With the collaboration of Kathleen Frenette and Denis Therriault.

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