Rofrane (Large families), her son with autism: “It’s something that hurts …”

Ms. Bambara, yes there are particularities which, put end to end, fall within a rather vast spectrum of autism, of autism spectrum.“This is the sentence by which Rofrane learned unlike one of his quadruplets, Kheïry-Dine, in the pediatric department of a hospital. A scene broadcast in Large families, life in XXL on TF1 Wednesday, December 1, 2021. The day after the announcement, the young mother indulges a little more in the unprecedented episode of the day.

Nasser Bambara, the father of Hajar, Noor, Kheïry-Dine and Chemsy-Dine, was not present during the medical appointment. It was his wife Rofrane Bambara who revealed the diagnosis to him. Faced with the news, he preferred to isolate himself, asking that the front page cameras be cut. “He is very modest about his feelings. He says all the time: ‘I’m a guy, I don’t cry, it’s inside that it flows!’, confides the young mother. But Nasser is a daddy hen who was very touched. Because he always said to me: ‘No but worry, it’s okay.’ There, when I saw him weaken, I said to myself: ‘Oh man, there really is something …’“Then, Rofrane Bambara continues, with tears in his eyes:”He had that moment when he cashed. At the time, I saw him panicked and I stressed. As soon as he saw that I was stressed, he told me it would be okay.

The couple were stunned by the announcement. “When people talk to us about autism, autistic disorder, it’s scary, admits the pretty brunette. It is something that hurts, that we do not know … It is a big blow on our little heart as parents.“But no way for Nasser and Rofrane Bambara to let themselves down.”We’re going to go for it, we’re going to accompany him, we’re going to do what is necessary for him. He is lucky to have three siblings who are his strength“, concludes the young mother.

Remember that already long before this meeting with the psychomotor therapist, the behavior of little Kheïry-Dine was a source of questions. “I see he’s a bit in his bubble, that he doesn’t necessarily want to talk. It’s true that these are things that intrigue me“Said Rofrane last October. The young mother, moved, blamed herself for not having noticed this difference earlier. Today, she is, with the rest of the family, looking to the future.

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