Madonna: Her daughter, Lourdes Leon, hot in a corset in a new clip

Just like her mother, Lourdes Leon likes to show a free image of herself. Indeed, at 24 years old and after having lived under the strict control of her mother, the young model surprises the public with her exuberant looks and a sexy attitude. If she sometimes goes far, Lourdes Leon can always count on the queen of pop, to put her ideas straight when she gets carried away. “She said something to me recently that stuck with me (…) ‘Remember that shit ain’t real. The important thing is not the money, your face or your sexy appearance. What matters is what you bring to the world and what you will leave behind.’ It always brings me back to my senses when I start to take things too seriously” she had explained to Interview Magazine. Lourdes Leon is Madonna’s eldest daughter. She was followed by Rocco Richie (21), David Banda (16), Mercy James (16), Stella and Estere (9).

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