Death of Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters): his widow Alison breaks the silence

Taylor Hawkins died in his hotel room in Colombia on Friday, March 25, 2022 at the age of 50. The causes of this death were not revealed but the singer had in his body, opioid, marijuana and antidepressants.

Member of the Foo Fighters since 1997, Taylor Hawkins was the alternative rock band’s resident drummer. Upon the announcement of his sudden death, many personalities from the world of music paid him a vibrant tribute, starting with the members of his own group. “The Foo Fighters family is devastated by the tragic and untimely loss of our beloved Taylor Hawkins. Her musical spirit and infectious laughter will live with us all forever.”the members of the group Foo Fighters wrote on Instagram on March 26.

Alison, widow of Taylor Hawkins finally speaks out

Married to Taylor Hawkins since 2005 and remained silent since the announcement of the death of her husband, his widow Alison published a long message on Twitter this Wednesday, June 8: “My deepest thanks and admiration go out to the global Foo Fighters community, and to Taylor fans around the world, for the immense love that each of you have shown our dear Taylor. Your kindness has been a invaluable comfort to my family and I during this time of unimaginable grief, spoke the mother of Oliver Shane (16) and Annabelle Hawkins (13). As Taylor’s wife, and on behalf of our children, I want to let you know how much you meant to him and how hard he strived to wow you with every performance. Taylor was honored to be part of the Foo Fighters and enjoyed his dream role with the group every minute of his 25 years with them. We consider each member of the band and the extended Foo Fighters team as our family (…) Thanks again to all of you for your love and sympathy. Taylor loved you all and we love you too.”

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