“Less light, less charming!”

Singer, actress, but also director. At 70 years old, the sublime Arielle Dombasle enjoys continuing to make a living from her various passions. The proof, this Wednesday September 13, 2023, his new film The Secrets of the Princess of Cadigan see the day. A feature film adapted from a text by Honoré de Balzac in which a fallen queen of All-Paris finally finds love.

A film that she signed and in which she also stars… Thus, on the occasion of its release in French cinemas, Arielle Dombasle was the guest of Léa Salamé in the morning show of France Inter last Tuesday September 12 and the guest of Jordan de Luxe in At Jordan’s this Wednesday September 13, 2023.

An unfiltered interview during which the actress who no longer needs to be introduced spoke about her professional career as well as more intimate subjects such as her weight, which regularly causes ink to flow, or her choice of never having become a mother.

An interview in complete privacy during which Arielle Dombasle above all agreed to comment on her immense career in French cinema and in particular several of her cult roles like her character in the film An Indian in the city(1994). A project for which his agent had forced his hand… And the same goes for another equally popular feature film: “It also happened to me recently with Philippe Lacheau’s film, ‘Alibi.com’, that’s it… At first, I didn’t really know what it was, and then I met Philippe and I found that he was so talented. I told myself that it was a big comedy, but in fact, there is comedy and comedy. He convinced me in all subtlety because I saw his immense kindness and his immense intelligence and he is a surprisingly efficient person.”she confided.

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“Too many means”

Another unforgettable role for Arielle Dombasle, her character in HASsTerix and Obelix against Caesar (1999).This Asterix was very good, it’s true. And we didn’t laugh much and there was a whole host of actors and it was very good-natured”she recalled on the set of C8.

Asked about the last Asterix directed by Guillaume Canet, against all expectations, the actress this time let it be known that she had not appreciated this film as much as the others in the same franchise: Yes, I saw the last one. It’s not my favorite Asterix. So. There have been some more or less good Asterixes, it’s like cinema in general. I found that he was perhaps less light, less charming. There were too many means there was something that lacked lightness”, did she notice aboutAsterix and Obelix: The Middle Kingdom


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