Léa Salamé throws a big chill in the studio of France Inter

Freshly returned from Tulle, where he attended the wedding of François Hollande and Julie Gayet on May 4, singer Benjamin Biolay was the guest of Léa Salamé this Thursday, June 9, in the morning of France Inter. He had come to talk about his tenth solo album called St. Clairincluding a first extract Return the love! has already been released.

We can continue to sleep with someone we no longer love”

And about the title he chose for this song, Chiara Mastroianni’s ex explained: “It’s incantatory. Even in the chorus, there is a pirouette, it’s not so easy to return love. I’ve seen this slogan: ‘Return the money’ so many times during demonstrations, graffitied on election posters. In love, it’s not bad too. Because love is important. People lend us love, not only in intimate or private life“. And to add: “It’s a formula that inspired me a lot to make a song that was a bit playful. This is not a love song“.

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About her new composition, Léa Salamé confirmed to Benjamin Biolay “Yes, it’s not very sad, it’s more fun, a little sexy“. And to add “In any event, music, if it’s sexy, I think it’s a good sign“. And this is not the only erotic allusion made by the wife of Raphaël Glucksmann, this Thursday morning…

After the song was played on the radio, the reporter argued, “Love and sex are not the same thing. We can continue to sleep with someone we no longer love”. A remark that somewhat disconcerted Benjamin Biolay. The interpreter of The superb courteously replied to Léa Salamé: “It only engages you“.

It promises

What to announce the color for the next season of Léa Salamé on France Inter ! She, who had planned to ease off at the start of the next school year, announced that she would continue her collaboration with Nicolas Demorand, in the morning. On Saturdays, she will be solo on France 2to take over the program she hosted with Laurent Ruquier, We are live.


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