Sarah Fraisou “has a lot of trouble” to get pregnant: she talks about her difficulties

Many reality TV personalities have become mothers in recent years. We think in particular of Nabilla Benattia, who is the happy mother of Milann (2 years old) and Leyann (born on June 5), or Jessica Thivenin, who had Maylone (2 years old) and Leewane (9 months). This happiness, Sarah Fraisou (29 years old) does not know it yet. Yet she desires it from the depths of her soul.

On June 8, 2022, the former candidate of The Villa of Broken Hearts (2021) organized a question and answer session with its subscribers on Instagram. And she did not escape a question about motherhood. A user wanted to know when she was going to start her family with her new companion Mehdi. If you know how much that would be my dream! I would so much like, right now, to be pregnant. But we don’t necessarily do what we want in life“, she replied. A painful subject for Sarah Fraisou who regularly receives messages on the subject. “This is a question that comes up many times, which is boring. You see so much on social media everyone getting pregnant so quickly. Well no ! Life isn’t like that, friends. Women struggle a lot to get one and I’m clearly one of them“, she continued. Despite everything, she keeps the hope of becoming a mother soon.

Recently, it was Aurélie Dotremont who addressed this delicate subject on her social networks. The young woman was forced to undergo an operation of the ovaries so that she was “make small holes“, in an effort to get pregnant. She revealed that due to a past infection that she didn’t know existed, her tubes had deteriorated.”So I could never have children naturally because the fallopian tubes will close again. We are upset, we cry a lot. (…) But we have to move on, that’s how it is. There will be solutions and I will fight. I’m going to do everything to make it work, there’s no reason it can’t work for me. No matter what, I would have my baby. It might take longer, the process might be different, but it’ll be my baby“, she explained.

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