Laura Lempika reveals a big physical change: Internet users are on fire

Laura Lempika quickly became a key figure in reality TV. Each of his gestures is therefore scrutinized on social networks. And his last photo posted on Instagram, August 1, 2022, did not fail to react.

The beautiful brunette was revealed in 2017 during the 11th season of Secret Story (won by Noré). Her secret was “My best friend [Marie, NDLR] sacrificed herself to let me into the House of Secrets”. At the time, she had long hair. A cut that she has never changed since she made herself known. But this summer, the candidate for Rest of the world, romance in Ibiza (W9) has made a big decision to change her hair style.

It is indeed with a new haircut that Nikola Lozina’s wife revealed herself on Instagram on Monday. In addition to removing her extensions, Laura Lempika had her hair curled. To share this novelty, she posed in a black bodysuit, with fishnets at the neckline. “I took my extensions out today and then I curled my hair like before, when straightening didn’t exist nor straightening irons. Besides, I used to do my hair with mousse and styling water. I remember my tips for straightening my hair with my younger girlfriends when in fact, curly hair is GORGEOUS! But we women are never happy. Fatality, I like it changes me I think. Good following the next episode because you know me, I will change again for sure…Team curly hair or team straight!? One thing is sure, all women are beautiful, never forget that“, can we read in the caption of the publication.

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