How to fight pests naturally at home?

Cockroaches, ants, slugs… Pests can make life difficult for us, especially during the summer period! Indeed, these insects have the particularity of being able to proliferate very quickly and to hide in places inaccessible to humans. To get rid of it naturally, here are some effective and lasting methods!

Did you know ? Insecticides pollute the air in your home and can be harmful to your children or pets. Before considering using them, bet on these more natural methods first!

against moths

To fight against moths, sprinkle an object with a few drops of essential oil of lavender or eucalyptus. If this solution does not work, place pieces of Marseille soap in your cupboards.

against ants

In a small cup, pour lemongrass or mint essential oil. Otherwise, place a pot of basil or a halved lemon in their path.

Against rats and mice

To keep rats and mice away, you can place ultrasonic devices in your attic or garage! Indeed, rodents do not support the high frequencies emitted by this type of device.

against cockroaches

Sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar in strategic places, that is to say near your fridge or your garbage cans. Coffee grounds also work great as a cockroach trap.

Against flies and aphids

Use an essential oil of lavender or rosemary to scare away flies and aphids! You can also put garlic, pepper or a chili pepper near the infested areas.

against spiders

Peppermint is an ideal spider repellent! We advise you to spray it in the corners of each room. Another tip: you can disperse a few grams of cinnamon.

against fleas

Place pieces of lemon in boiling water in the open air for a whole night. The steam will be released into the room and scare away the fleas. If this technique does not work, spray your house with a mixture of water and black soap.

Against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes hate the smell of tomatoes, lemongrass and cloves! If you have the opportunity, place pots in your window or on your balcony. There are also diffusers of natural mosquito repellents, to be found in a parapharmacy.

Against bed bugs

Apply diatomaceous earth to the baseboards. Bonus: this powder is completely harmless to animals!

What to do when these solutions do not work?

When the tips proposed above do not work, call on a professional who will come and treat your home, or, if necessary, your entire building.


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