Health News

our voice changes when we don’t get enough sleep, study finds

A third of French people are sleep deprived, which is not always...

What does March 15 say?

This Friday, March 15, Russians are called to vote until Sunday to...

four years after confinement, 41% of students present depressive symptoms, according to a study

The mental health of young people has worsened since confinement,...

TRUE OR FALSE. Is it true that 80% of French people do not have access to palliative care, as Olivier Marleix states?

The leader of the Republicans in the National Assembly assures that “80%...

“Sometimes, there is really every interest in bringing the competition into play and leaving,” points out the UFC-Que Choisir

Supplementary health insurance is experiencing a “record” increase of “more...

“Approximately two deaths per day is a real massacre,” according to the CGT

The workers' health and safety conference is being held on Wednesday March 13 and Thursday March 14, at the Labor Exchange in Paris. ...

a patient has just been implanted with a new remote-controlled sphincter and “will be able to return to a normal social life”, assures Doctor...

More than 2.5 million people suffer from urinary incontinence in France, according to Health Insurance. This is a very serious problem and one that...
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