an increasingly active population


Video length: 1 min

Seniors: an increasingly active population

Seniors: an increasingly active population

(France 2)

21.3% of the French population is 65 and over, according to INSEE. Seniors who are increasingly active today, favoring a healthy lifestyle in order to enjoy their retirement.

Today’s seniors are increasingly active, even hyperactive. Yoga, gymnastics… Some people do sports every day, with a busy schedule. “There, the sunny days are going to arrive, it’s going to be good. We’ll even be able to go outdoors, so that’s great”, says a senior sports fan. By prioritizing a healthy lifestyle, seniors want to enjoy their retirement.

Some are active while being retired

In France, 21.3% of the population is 65 and over, according to INSEE figures published on January 1, 2023. In 2050, one in three people will be over 60. For others, regardless of age, work remains the main activity of their life. According to INSEE, 5% of French people are working while being retired. But whether they work or not, more and more seniors have chosen to remain active and age as late as possible.

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