At only 3 years old, a little girl leaves the family home for an amazing reason

” All’s well That ends well ! », writes the national police on its Twitter account. This Tuesday, February 15, 2022, a 3-year-old girl was found in pajamas in the streets of Rouen (Seine-Maritime). “Around 11:45 a.m., a woman noticed her, alone, wandering on the boulevard d’Orléans”, explains Paris Normandy. Immediately, the passer-by therefore warned the police. Once there, the police searched for the parents. They questioned the neighborhood before realizing that no relatives of the girl were around. Without trace of the family, “the little one, who was not in stress, was finally brought back to safety in the premises of the police station”indicates our colleagues. “About two hours later” clarified that the mother, panicked, did not hesitate to contact the police station to report the disappearance of her daughter.

“Big for her age”, the little one would have managed to escape her mother’s attention and reach for the doorknob while she was busy cleaning. In any case, this is what the young mother reported to the police officers. Once outside, the girl would have taken the path to her school. She was presumably planning to go to the nearby playground. Bad luck, the runaway will not have had the opportunity to play before being taken to the post.

This case is reminiscent of the story of the two little Montpellier residents aged 4 and a half who had managed to escape from school. The rascals had fortunately been found shortly after their departure near the Saint-Roch station, 300 meters from the school.

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