over-the-counter consumption is allowed again


France 2

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From this Wednesday, February 16, there are many reductions in the health protocol. Among them, the return of standing consumption in bars and cafes, which had been banned since the beginning of the year.

More than a habit, it’s the return of a French way of life. Coffee can once again be drunk standing up at the bar. This morning, Wednesday February 16, in a café located in Libourne in Gironde, an almost forgotten atmosphere is reasserting itself. A customer claims to have regained conviviality. “We approach people more easily, they are more relaxed and we can be more numerous”continues another.

It is also a relief for the staff who no longer need to call to order customers who are resistant to wearing a mask. Another advantage for serving customers, “we have fewer kilometers to go”, admits a waitress. It had been a month and a half since it was forbidden to consume while standing. So to prevent that from happening, the bar manager had removed the stools from the counter. Customers had to adapt. Today, old habits are slowly returning.


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