A business targeted by an incendiary object in Montreal

A suspicious incendiary object was thrown towards the window of a business late Saturday evening, in the Rivière-des-Prairies sector, in Montreal.

Around 11:00 p.m., the police were first called in relation to suspicious activity that was occurring on Henri-Bourassa Boulevard. When they arrived at the scene, they could see that the windows of two neighboring buildings had been smashed.

However, the fire obviously desired by the assailants did not start, so that the presence of the firefighters was not necessary.

A perimeter has been established for this event.

The arson module of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) will take charge of the file, confirmed Jeanne Drouin, media relations officer for the SPVM.

The police will try to determine the origin and the nature of the incendiary object.

No injuries occurred from this event. The police made no arrests.

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