the inter-union calls for prison blockades to be maintained on Friday

The prison officers’ unions consider the proposals of the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti insufficient, after the attack on a prison van during which two officers were killed.


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The door of the Evreux remand center (Eure), May 15, 2024. (LOU BENOIST / AFP)

The announcements were not convincing. The penitentiary union called, Thursday, May 16, to renew the movement to block prison establishments started throughout France on Wednesday, in response to the attack on a van at the Incarville toll booth (Eure) which left two dead and three injured

Earlier in the day, Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti sent the unions a written agreement listing several commitments. Among them, “limit extractions, particularly the most dangerous”there “revision of escort levels and team compositions”or even “provisions of long weapons and automatic long guns”. But the document contains “too many conditionals” and is “subject to a huge number of conditions, budgetary evaluations, suspensive conditions”reacted to AFP Wilfried Fonck, of the UFAP-UNSA-Justice union.

“The reception of the announcements is mixed locally”reacted Loïc Boyer, head of the FO justice union in Caen cited by AFP. “It doesn’t seem enough at the moment and we are wary”he estimated. “They promised us a few little things to try to reduce the pressure a little” but nothing immediate, and at the Mont-de-Marsan penitentiary center (Landes), “we have hardened the movement”declared Ludovic Motheron, CGT prison manager in New Aquitaine.

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