Are you protected by your insurance?



Video length: 2 min

Bedbugs: are you protected by your insurance?

Faced with the proliferation of bedbugs, the government wants most housing contracts to cover this risk. Only a handful of online insurance companies currently protect their customers from these pests. – (France 2)

Faced with the proliferation of bedbugs, the government wants most housing contracts to cover this risk. Only a handful of online insurance companies currently protect their customers from these pests.

It was first intense itching at night that tipped Jean-Baptiste Gaulier’s ear, and then this Parisian tenant had to face the facts. Last September, his studio was infested with bedbugs. He got rid of his sofa bed, but an expensive intervention was still necessary: ​​1,200 euros for him. He therefore contacted his insurance and, luckily, it covered part of the service, to the tune of 300 euros.

11% of French households already affected

As bedbugs proliferate, the government wants most housing contracts to cover this risk. Because on average, it costs more than 1,200 euros to completely get rid of bedbugs. Today, only a handful of online insurance companies protect their customers from these pests. This has been the case at Luko since 2021. According to the National Health Security Agency, 11% of French households have already been affected by bedbugs.

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