your tickets, to be won, by listening to France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne!

Specialist of folk-rock and electro-pop, Asaf Avidan knows how to charm his audience, whether with his group or solo.

Rare in concerts in the Grand-Est regionAsaf Avidan will nevertheless go through Reimson the occasion of an exceptional concert, this Friday, March 18 at the cardboard.

After having toured for ten yearsAsaf Avidan wished take some distance from the stage and refocus on your lifethinking about the future and the desires that drive it. Installed in Italy in an old farmhouse transformed into a residence for writers and a music studio for the occasion, it took the time to look for inspirationhelped in this by the surrounding calm and the soothing and magnificent nature.

The result is stunning. The inspiration has returned and Asaf Avidan, rested, seems ready for a new start. For the occasion, he did clean slate of habits and showcased other musical styles less associated with his career, such as 90s hip-hop. all vocals on the album and to surround himself with the best so that this new album is THE ALBUM.

I’emblematic Reims place of demanding musical cultures will therefore welcome the king of folk rock and electro pop for a musical moment which also promises rhythmic than exciting for the audience present.

In particular, you will be able to (re)discover the 7th album of this artist, an artistic upheaval named Anagnorisis.

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The concert will take place on Friday 18th March, from 20h : France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne offers you your tickets.

To leave with your seats, listen to the antenna and call us at 0.809.400.500 (price of a local call) as soon as a host offers you to play for this concert!

Good luck !

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