would raising wages be enough to relieve the professions in tension?




Article written by

L-.L. Daho, JP. Tarini, B. Jecquel, M. Alphaise – franceinfo

France Televisions

The government has announced the establishment of a residence permit to facilitate the professional integration of immigrant workers in shortage occupations. But the opposition maintains that it is enough to raise wages. What is it really?

A residence permit “jobs in tension”it is a measure proposed by the government to facilitate the professional integration of immigrant workers. “We propose to put an end to a form of hypocrisy and, on a case-by-case basis, to allow these men and women (…) to request their regularization and to obtain a residence permit in this context”said Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labor. “The viable solution for jobs in tension is the revaluation of wages, not mass immigration”reacted Jordan Bardella. A revaluation of wages canit, on its own, solve the problem of shortage occupations?

The Dareswhich depends on the Ministry of Labor published a note in 2021 with the top 30 jobs in tension. Three-quarters of the classification are trades in construction and industry. The other professions concern computer scientists or nurses. These sectors are in voltage, because they find themselves faced with a reduced labor pool. In addition, they recruit intensely, but these professions require specific training. Tension factors are also job insecurity, restrictive conditions or geographical mismatch. “Wages cannot explain everything (…). Most of the occupations in tension are occupations for which there is a training problem”comments Dorian Roucher, deputy director of employment and the labor market at Dares.

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