“With braised chicken”, at Betty, route de Bordeaux in Lons

Good smells that whet your appetite!

Betty presented us this morning in “Coté Saveurs”, her brand new establishment in Lons “Braised chicken”, in which, you taste Portuguese specialties, “like there”and in particular delicious cooked chicken, tender over embers, previously marinated according to its Portuguese origins

Also savor this typical Lisbon dessert, Pastel de Nata; a cream pastry, a kind of flan, often eaten warm. A delight consisting of puff pastry and a cream made from milk, flour, corn starch, eggs and sugar syrup.

You can also drink Portuguese wines and beers in moderation!

All to enjoy on the spot or to take away.

Info and timetables (which will change for the start of the school year) on 09 81 99 24 24, or 06 95 95 64 16

You’ll see, Betty is super nice!

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