Will Charles III reign under the sign of the defense of the environment?

A pioneering environmental defender

At a time when the world is becoming more and more aware of climate change, the new King Charles III was a pioneer in the defense of the environment.

Since the 1980s, he has taken environmentalist positions and has always defended organic farming:

In 1985, for example, he wanted to prove that this agriculture worked and created a totally organic farm on his Highgrove estate. At that time, this decision shakes up the country.

In 1990 he even launched a brand of organic products for mass distribution: Duchy Originals. Today it is one of the biggest organic food brands in England!

At the time many people laughed at him or thought he was crazy. The press nicknamed him “The Prince of Potatoes” or even “The Prince who spoke to flowers”.

This did not prevent him from always devoting himself to his commitment to the environment through numerous projects such as the construction of a model eco-village in the South of England, Poundbury.

A figure in the fight against climate change

Charles III’s commitments do not stop there: today he is a true ambassador for the planet and takes a public position on the importance of fighting against climate change.

As at the COP21 on the climate which was held in 2015 which gave rise to the Paris Agreement:

All of nature is crying out against the mistreatment we inflict on it. If the planet was a patient, we would have cured it long ago.

Or when he calls on world leaders to take concrete climate action at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021:

I urge you all to push forward the work we discussed today with relentless results and the determination to make things happen on the ground.

Charles III at COP26

But will his ecological commitment be reflected during his reign?

Charles III has remained faithful to his ecological convictions since the 80s, it is very likely that he will not stop after his coronation.

However, how to make things happen when you have no real political power, nor the right to interfere in politics?

It will be interesting to see the nature of his relationship with Liz Truss, the new British Prime Minister, not so well known for her environmental positions.

Still, if he wishes, King Charles III will be able to plead in favor of climate action with the many heads of state he will meet throughout his reign.

In the context of the current environmental emergency, his commitment may also echo his many subjects since as king, Charles of Wales also finds himself at the head of the Commonwealth: a group of 53 countries around the world, including Australia or the Bahamas which are facing the ravages of climate change.

In short, the one nicknamed “the green prince” will therefore certainly be a “green king”, the first of England. And that’s not bad news for the planet!

NOWU is the positive media to get informed and get moving for the planet! Its mission: to enable young Europeans to become actors in the face of environmental challenges through content that relieves guilt and is focused on solutions.

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