will a carbon tax on maritime transport be introduced?


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

L. Gublin, L. Legendre-Trousset, A. Dupont, C. Hilary, A. Da Silva – France 3

France Televisions

It’s an old refrain for ten years: the carbon tax on maritime transport. For the moment, no consensus has been found. Is an evolution possible?

They transport 80% of the goods traded on the planet. Tens of thousands of mastodons roam the seas. Result: maritime transport is responsible for almost 3% of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. In question ? The fuel used: heavy fuel oil. This fuel is not subject to any taxation at the global level. To get things moving, the idea of ​​a maritime carbon tax has been discussed for ten years, but has never achieved consensus. To work, it must be applied in all countries of the world.

New negotiations to come

If such a tax were to appear, experts fear that this surplus will be borne by the consumer. At the Paris summit, this week of June 19, nothing was recorded. New negotiations are to be held this summer.

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