Why do people do their Christmas shopping at the last minute?

It was a race against time in the stores on Sunday for consumers who still had not purchased their gifts.

• Read also: Holiday shopping with a difference

• Read also: Rule of four gifts: here’s how to avoid spending unnecessarily for Christmas

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And everyone had their reasons for doing their holiday shopping at the last minute.

“Ah! It’s not a choice, that’s the way I am, I’m always at the last minute,” a father admitted to TVA Nouvelles.

Another man says it was lack of time that forced him to complete his shopping on Christmas Eve.

“I was working, I had several things to do,” he says.

One lady, for her part, says that it was by choice that she found herself shopping on Christmas Eve.

“To take my mind off things at the same time,” she explains.

And some even took advantage of their partner’s busy schedule to come and shop in secret. At least, that’s the gift that’s secret.

“It’s for my partner. But there, she’s not supposed to know because it’s a Christmas stocking,” says a customer.

To see the full report, watch the video above.

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