revelations about a terrible suicide attempt…

Norbert Tarayre did not experience the beautiful professional and private life that he knows today. In a moving interview he gave to Frédéric Lopez on his show A Sunday in the countryside broadcast this Sunday, December 24, 2023, the culinary chef revealed by the show Top chef returns to the disappointments he experienced, and which allowed him to build a character, and to face the difficult stages of his future life without fear or anxiety. Faced with the bankruptcy of his first two restaurants, Norbert Tarayre nevertheless managed to bounce back, and is today an emeritus chef, at the head of several restaurants, and is for several months the chef of the prestigious Parisian hotel Prince de Galles : “I was a good cook, but I had no idea how to run a business. (My first business), I sealed it.”

Unfortunately for Norbert Tarayre, the young man dragged his mother and his ex-wife, who were part of the affair, into his fall. And as if his bankruptcy wasn’t painful enough, the suicide attempt his mother finished sinking the dreams of the young man: “My mother, she is almost ruined. We escaped her suicide. She attempted suicide. And I feel guilty.” Fortunately for him, more fear than harm, and his mother emerges safe and sound from this call for help. But if Norbert is today an accomplished businessman, both on television and behind the stove, the happy forty-year-old maintains a complex relationship with his mother.

Mother and son don’t talk much anymore

Guest of a show hosted by Jarry in 2021 on public service, Norbert Tarayre had revealed that he was “out of order” with this motherwithout being angry: “My mother has been very strong in my life (…) I never say everything but now, I kind of want to talk about my life. My mother, I’ve given her a lot of it since I was little, even bigger, and still today. I think she’s breaking up, because we don’t talk much anymore, and she had a lot to put up with. She is one of the pillars of my life.” had confessed with emotion the one who animated for several years The Best Bakery in France on M6, and who continues to co-host The Best Pastry Chef: Celebrities on Gulli with Mercotte.

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