What if France was still a monarchy?

The parody series “Louis 28”, on the platforms of France Télévisions, restores royalty in the era of social networks.

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This is called uchronia: a fictional account of events based on historical facts. A genre that allows all the madness. Like imagining that in 2023, the monarchy is still in place in France. The king dies in a plane crash and it’s a bastard who inherits the throne: Cédric, 16, a rough teenager and not at all ready to take on such responsibilities.

“Louis 28”, co-written by Maxime Donzel and Géraldine de Margerie, is a wacky series, with sometimes schoolboy humor, with a tasty cast like Nadia Roz, an excellent actress who portrays the commoner mother of the young sovereign. The 10 episodes of about twenty minutes are to be discovered on all the free platforms of France Télévisions. Maxime Donzel, author, director and screenwriter is the media guest of Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt.

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