The European Parliament is studying the option of a medical examination every 15 years in order to keep your driving license. In this area, EU countries have more or less flexible rules. Overview.
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Will a medical examination be mandatory to renew your driving license? The European Parliament is considering Tuesday February 27 and Wednesday February 28 the possibility of requiring drivers to undergo a medical check every 15 years to maintain their license, which some European Union countries are already doing.
France and Germany are rather exceptions among the 27 by granting a lifetime permit. Many countries, 14 countries precisely, have already introduced a medical examination or health examination when renewing the license, depending on the age of the driver. Some countries require a simple doctor’s certificate attesting that the person is fit to drive, this is particularly the case in Hungary. But other countries go further and require more in-depth medical examinations, checking vision, hearing and reflexes.
Checks often linked to age
In the Netherlands, drivers do not see a doctor until they are 75 years old to renew their license. But from the age of 75, the Dutch must retake exams every five years. And it is the responsibility of the driver, who must pay around forty euros. In several European countries, it is often around the age of 70 to 75 that health checks become compulsory to renew the license, as in Denmark, Greece and Ireland.
In some countries, tests at all ages
Spain is among the strictest countries, aptitude tests are compulsory for everyone. Vision and hearing are tested every ten years upon obtaining the license, and even every five years, once drivers are over 65 years old. This is quite close to what Italy also does, with closer and closer controls as people get older. From the age of 70, Italians must renew their license every three years, a renewal which takes place every two years from the age of 80, each time requiring a visit to the doctor.