We met the first indigenous astronaut to travel into space!

In September, the Aces spoke to John Herrington, the first Indigenous astronaut to fly into space! It was in 2002 and his adventure lasted two weeks. How did he become an astronaut? Did he enjoy his space trip? John tells you all this!

Did you always know you wanted to become an astronaut?

Yes ! When I was eight years old, I sat in a cardboard box and played astronaut!

As an Indigenous person, have you had to overcome any challenges to achieve your dream?

I think some people don’t realize how important it is for young Aboriginal people to have role models. When I was a kid, I didn’t see anyone like me becoming an astronaut. I was like, “I can never do that. » Representation matters!

What is your favorite moment from this trip to space?

I think it was when I looked at Earth from outside the International Space Station. It was a unique feeling that made me feel very small!

Psst! John is part of the indigenous community of Chicacha, United States. Before his trip in 2002, he was given an eagle feather belonging to his ancestors as a gift. He brought it with him into space! For John, it’s as if his ancestors were traveling with him!

How did you prepare to go into space?

I started preparing two years before the mission. I followed a very strict exercise program. For example, I ran or lifted weights every day. I also trained in a swimming pool to recreate the feeling of space!

What advice would you give to young people who want to be astronauts?

Pursue your dreams, but also enjoy all the journey that comes with it! Go to school, work your way through college, and find something you’re passionate about. Don’t just pursue a goal, make sure you have fun along the way. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination!

Marilys Beaudoin

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