“We are going to fight,” promises Nathalie Arthaud, Lutte Ouvrière candidate

Lutte Ouvrière presents 550 candidates for the legislative elections. “I think that worker candidacies can attract all those who are disgusted” assures Nathalie Arthaud, the party spokesperson.


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Lutte Ouvrière presents 550 candidates for the legislative elections.  (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)

“Lutte Ouvrière presents 550 candidates in almost all constituencies including Mayotte, Guyana and Reunion”declared Saturday June 22 on franceinfo Nathalie Arthaud, spokesperson for the Lutte Ouvrière party and candidate for the next legislative elections in Seine-Saint-Denis in the 6th constituency. “I think that worker candidacies can attract all those who are disgusted, I hope that we will wrest a certain number of votes from the RN, we will fight”says Nathalie Arthaud.

“If there were even one Lutte Ouvrière deputy in the Assembly, he would be the eyes and ears of the workers and he would vote in favor of everything that goes in the direction of the world of work. elections, this is a moment when we must come together, speak out behind this class consciousness”adds the spokesperson for Lutte Ouvrière.

Lutte Ouvrière is not part of the New Popular Front unlike the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA). “We are presenting ourselves in such a way that the workers who want to reject the National Rally, rightly so, those who want to reject Macron, can do so without having to throw themselves into the arms of left-wing politicians who have attacked them so much. disgusted, because every time they have governed, they have betrayed them”denounces Nathalie Arthaud.

She calls on workers to “vote of rejection of Bardella and Macron”. A vote that allows them to express “their distrust of all these left-wing politicians who have so confused the working world”. The RN of Marine Le Pen, “it’s a bourgeois party that doesn’t care about workers, the poor, the common people”tackle Nathalie Arthaud.

“In this New Popular Front, there are politicians that we know by heart and against whom we had to fight, notably François Hollande who allowed the layoffs to take place”. “There was a policy of betrayal.” “We don’t make promises. We tell workers that we must stop putting our fate in the hands of politicians who, once in power, throw their promises in the trash because they cannot resist pressure from employers.

In the 6th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, Nathalie Arthaud will be opposed to Nacéra Salhaoui (National Rally), Nathalie Sack (Union of Democrats and Independents) and Bastien Lachaud (New Popular Front).

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