wax problem for the French in team snowboardcross

The snowboard turned into a fiasco. This Saturday morning, the French people involved in this new team snowboardcross event at the Olympic Games came out the back door in the quarter-finals. On the site of Zhangjiakou, where the snow fell all morning, the two French duos (Loan Bozzolo with Julia Pereira de Sousa, and Merlin Surget with Chloé Trespeuch) did not manage to express themselves fully because of a big slip problem. The event was won by the American duo Lindsey Jacobellis and Nick Baumgartner.

We didn’t have the best product under the boards. – Chloe Trespeuch

“It was a sliding test, we lost in the test because we didn’t have the best product under the boards. Obviously, we are frustrated not to have had fun today and not to have had the weapons. But we can’t blame our technicians, they do their best every day, we have to adapt to changing conditions”, explained Chloé Trespeuch, already an individual silver medalist. “The day was quite weird, from training the girls couldn’t pass the jumps. I didn’t manage to finish a run all the way down, so there was no speed. We got it. seen in the morning, added Merlin Surget.

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“Sorry to our athletes!!”, apologized on social networks Luc Faye, the director of snowboarding at the French Ski Federation. This is a big disappointment for the tricolor clan, which had in its ranks the Olympic vice-champion Chloé Trespeuch, associated with Merlin Surget, 5th in the individual event for men. Julia Pereira de Sousa had taken 5th individual place and Loan Bozzolo had stopped in the quarters.

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