Change point of view

Hello Christine today we see all the interest of changing your point of view, right?

Yes I wanted this morning to invite you to reflect on situations that we always look at in the same way and in which suddenly, we feel stuck.

Is it a bit the case when a situation turns in a loop in our head?

Yes imagine that you are living a professional, personal situation which causes you a lot of trouble which worries you so much that you go to bed with this situation in your head, that you wake up with this situation and that it is in your head all the time. daytime. You don’t see a way out, it’s always the same refrain… How to get out of it then? Well already, by realizing that in any situation there are several points of view. Let’s take the case here we are in the process of you and I discussing this subject it is the same situation for you and me, except that I see it from my point of view and as I look at you it is you that I see in this situation. As for you since we are both discussing this same situation, you see me.

So what you are implying, Christine, is that to get out of a deadlock situation you have to try to have another point of view, to approach the situation from a different angle?

It’s exactly that. Our brain works in the following way: it is our attention that creates, that determines our reality. Returning to an example in which you loop a situation from which you cannot extricate yourself. Your attention will be drawn to all the recurring thoughts that your brain produces. But if your attention is no longer focused on these thoughts, but you voluntarily move it to another way of looking at this situation from your point of view, and open your mind your life to other perspectives, other solutions of other horizons. We call on his creativity. How could I find this situation less difficult? What positive experience can I draw from this uncomfortable situation? How does it make me progress? We must try to transform ourselves into MacGyver for those who knew this serial character who always found solutions to any difficulty.

Yes it’s true I remember that he had this ability to get out of incredibly complicated situations by strokes of genius, with very simple things by the way!

Yes that’s why I take this example is that to find an opening in a situation in which we feel stuck we must be able to call on our capacity to imagine solutions and take another point of view to move our Warning…

But it’s not easy because thoughts quickly come to recapture our attention and bring us back to this infernal loop…

Yes, it’s a real workout because it actually consists of allowing our brain, which is malleable, to create new connections. So we strengthen it by practicing this exercise.

We can start by training with an easier exercise that we practice at the beginning of each sophrology session. We close our eyes once seated or lying down comfortably, and we will pay attention to the position of our body at the present moment. We will focus our attention on our head which is perhaps in balance on the points of support of our back with the back of a chair, on the position of our arms very precisely at this moment we feel all the perceptions of our body there now. And it is this attention voluntarily brought to the present moment, to our feelings, which makes us “switch” our thoughts. And even if our thoughts come to recapture our attention, well, it’s not nervous, by saying “no, I can’t do it”, gently we note what we are thinking about and we come back to the feeling of our body at this time and there we will cut with our thoughts.

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