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The Battle of Mariupol may be getting its epilogue. The last besieged Ukrainian soldiers ignored Russia’s ultimatum calling on them to lay down their arms on Sunday, April 17. Lhe special envoy Luc Lacroix is present on site.
Mariupol (Ukraine) isshe fighting her last battle? Despite the ultimatum issued by the Russians, the Ukrainian soldiers did not want to surrender and want to fight until the end. “Here in Mariupol, it is a deluge of bombardments almost without interruption“, reports the special correspondent Luc Lacroix, in duplex since MariupolSunday, April 17. “The fighting is concentrated (near) the huge Azovstal steelworks. Ukrainian fighters are entrenched there, they are surrounded”he continues.
The factory is full of buildings and underground. “He there are Ukrainian fighters there who have almost nothing to lose. They are fighters of the Azov battalion (…), the sworn enemy of Russia“, explains Luc Lacroix. Russia refers to this battalion as “nazis“. The battle that is being played out around the factoryAzovstal turns out to be “without mercy“, according to the expression of the journalist.