Wagner’s Rebellion: Can Yevgeny Prigojine really “march on Moscow”?



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M.Bougault, M.Dreujou, E.Sizarols, L.Hauville – France 2

France Televisions

After the action initiated by the paramilitary group in Russia, is its leader really in a position to overthrow the Kremlin, as he suggests? The “13 Hours” addressed General Dominique Trinquand, specialist in international issues.

Can Yevgeny Prigojine take power? “This rebellion is to be taken extremely seriously, for several reasons. First, because it is an internal rebellion (…) Evguéni Prigojine has allies in the mercenaries he has freed almost everywhere (35,000 in Russia currently). And he has allies in radical nationalists who think the war doesn’t go far enough.”explains General Dominique Trinquand, specialist in international issues and former head of the French military mission to the UN.

An advantage for Ukraine

What is Yevgeny Prigojine’s goal? The general outlines two options: either he is still working for Vladimir Putin and leading this rebellion to put the head of state back at the center of decisions, or “he took the melon and no longer knows the limits”. Is this a turning point in the war? “The Ukrainians will benefit from the destabilization in Russia, that’s for sure. How far and how? It depends on the ties they have with Prigojine”believes Dominique Trinquand.

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