VIDEO. With her film “Rose”, she breaks the clichés on the sexuality of seniors



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“She was smoking firecrackers, drinking vodka, talking about sex … My grandmother was mesmerized by this woman’s freedom.” This story inspired Aurélie Saada for her first film: Rose decides at age 78 to live her life to the fullest after the death of her husband. She tells.

I believe that at all stages of our life, we can have the feeling that we are too old. Especially women, I think we are confronted with that a bit … dozens of times in our lives. “” Rose “is the first film by Aurélie Saada, former singer of the duo Brigitte. She wanted to stage the life drive and the intimate revolution of a 78-year-old woman, newly widowed.”She will realize that she is not just a mother, a grandmother, a widow, but that she is also a woman and that perhaps life, we have the right to live it to the end, that there is no reason to give up while still alive“, develops Aurélie.

Aurélie Saada notes that women’s bodies and women’s desire, from a certain age, are completely invisible. She wanted to deconstruct that. “Me, I find it terrible to deprive yourself of that, not to show the eroticism, the sensuality of the skin whatever their age.“, she believes.


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