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Joseph Moore, a U.S. Army veteran, infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan for nearly 10 years in the United States.
It is an extremely rare testimony with its face uncovered. Joseph Moore infiltrated for ten years, for the American police, one of the most racist and the most violent groups in the United States, the Ku Klux Klan. “My name, before, was Joseph Moore, I was an informant for the anti-terrorism division of the FBI from 2007 to 2017“, he testifies at the microphone of France 2.
To confuse the members of the group during his undercover mission, Joseph Moore notably helped them prepare the murder of a black man, Warren Williams, ex-prisoner in Florida. While in detention, the latter had an altercation with Thomas Driver, a guard member of the Ku Klux Klan who, por revenge, wanted to prepare his murder with other people. They were unaware that their conversations were being recorded by the undercover FBI agent. The three men were able to be arrested and sentenced. Since then, Joseph Moore has feared reprisals. “If the Ku Klux Klan has a target today, it’s me. I speak so the general public will know in case anything happens to me.”, he delivers to France 2.