Universities | New campus, inclusion and environment

A new campus and programs whose themes touch the environment and integration are among the new offerings from universities located outside the greater metropolitan area. A look and explanations on these brand new programs.

Julie roy
Special collaboration

Human activity and the environment

Human activity has multiple impacts on biodiversity and the resilience of ecosystems. Faced with the complexity of this relationship, the University of Sherbrooke will offer a new master’s degree in systemic management of natural environments next January. Aimed at people who have graduated from bachelor’s programs in ecology, biology or a related field, this program aims to train specialists capable of taking concrete action in the search for and implementation of solutions to current and future challenges related to the environment. complexity of interactions between humans and nature. The training targets three professional situations, namely the production of expertise in the conservation of natural environments, the implementation of interventions to promote this conservation and the management of projects related to these activities. The regular path prepares graduates for professional practice in Canada and includes a professional project to be carried out with a partner in Quebec or in another province.

A new campus in psychoeducation

The University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR) has been based in Quebec for more than 15 years with its psychoeducation department. Over time, its premises have become dilapidated and too small. It is therefore in the former premises of the Sears store in the Fleur de Lys shopping center that the department has taken up residence after an investment of $ 10 million. “From the outside it doesn’t appear, but inside everything has been made new. Our new premises allow much more flexible teaching methods. You can experiment with all kinds of things and hybrid teaching is greatly facilitated, ”explains Caroline Couture, director of the department. Announced last winter, this move had an instant effect on the popularity of the program: the number of applications increased by 40% for the bachelor’s degree and 44% for the master’s degree. “To become a psychoeducator, a master’s degree is compulsory. Before, we did not have enough places to accommodate all the candidates, now we will be able to double our capacity thanks to these new premises and to an educational renewal. The psychoeducational department represents around 400 students and 80 staff.

Better inclusion at work

In the context of a labor shortage and recent discriminatory acts brought to light, Université Laval has set up a second cycle microprogram on equity, diversity and inclusion at work (EDI). “I hold the Research Chair on the Integration and Management of Diversity in the Workplace [CRIDE]. We receive a lot of requests from organizations that want training to promote inclusion. This program is therefore in direct line with this need because not all start on an equal footing when the time comes to find a job, whether it is due to a context of disability, age, judicialization, immigration, etc. », Explains Kamel Béji. Aimed at professionals, the microprogram comprises 12 credits spread over 4 courses which take place in the evenings and on weekends. The aim is to understand concepts like the difference between fairness and equality, but above all, it aims to present solutions for professionals to act in the years to come. “We are going to go into the field to talk with companies and we are going to write a book about the best practices that we have observed. ”

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