Strike mandates at the Société de transport de Sherbrooke

A strike threat hangs over the Société de transport de Sherbrooke, while the four unions which represent employees there have adopted a strike mandate.

However, no date for the start of a possible strike has yet been announced. Negotiations are still continuing with the Société de transport de Sherbrooke.

The parties did not request conciliation.

The four unions represent the 180 urban bus drivers, the 40 maintenance employees, the 35 paratransit workers and the 13 office employees. The main union, that of bus drivers, is linked to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), affiliated with the FTQ, while the three others are members of unions linked to the CSN.

The four are united on the salary issue, after having negotiated the normative clauses separately. These are also “mostly resolved”, the union side explained on Friday.

The financial situation of public transport companies is currently difficult; it was the subject of recent debates between the government of Quebec and municipalities.

The STS has not yet commented.

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