traps installed to deal with the proliferation of wild boars


Video length: 2 min

Large cities: traps installed to deal with the proliferation of wild boars

Large cities: traps installed to deal with the proliferation of wild boars – (France 2)

It is no longer rare to come across wild boars in major French cities. To combat their proliferation, the Gard prefecture commissioned an animal capture specialist to install trap cages. These cages are also used by the CNRS, which is conducting a study.

Wild boars have invaded French cities, wandering through neighborhoods and sometimes blocking traffic, even going inside buildings. With the wild boar population increasing and urbanization increasing, these scenes have become common. Today there are between 1.5 and 2 million wild boars in France. Many are in Hérault, Var or even Gard.

A species considered harmful

In a residential area of ​​Nîmes (Gard), Françoise Soler, retired, observes the damage. The wild boars have turned over his garden. So, she asked for a cage trap to be installed. This is the work of François Ferrer, a specialist in animal capture commissioned by the Gard prefecture. Once trapped, wild boars are slaughtered, as the species is considered harmful. The CNRS also uses cages in Montpellier (Hérault) to understand the habits of wild boars in the city. Researchers put GPS collars on the animals before releasing them. The CNRS study will last three years.

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