Joe Biden and Donald Trump set to debate in June and September before the November 5 election

“It’s time for a fight!” »: US President Joe Biden on Wednesday challenged his rival Donald Trump to debate twice before the presidential election, in June and then in September, and the latter immediately accepted.

“Today he says he wants to debate me again. In that case, humor me, dude. I will even do it twice,” said the 81-year-old Democrat, candidate in November for a second term, in a video message.

“I am ready and decided to debate against “Joe the crook” on the two proposed dates in June and September,” reacted the 77-year-old former president, on his Truth Social network, using one of his nicknames preferred for his opponent.

“Tell me when, I’ll be there.” Let’s go for the fight!!! », added Donald Trump.

The American president’s campaign team indicated that he wanted to debate for the first time after the G7 summit in Italy, which will take place from June 13 to 15, then “at the beginning of September”.

Joe Biden then declared on the social network »

“I strongly suggest having more than two debates,” the Republican mogul said on Truth Social.

Unlike the Democratic camp, which wants a confrontation without an audience, Donald Trump judged that the debate, “to make it more exciting”, should be held in “a very large room, even if it seems that Biden is afraid of crowds “.

The presidential debates are always highlights of an American campaign, and they will be particularly so this year, as the hostility is strong between these two men.

“Free Wednesday”

These duels will also be a test of the vivacity and intellectual endurance of the candidates, the oldest to have never run for the White House. Republicans continue to attack Joe Biden over his moments of confusion and his gaffes, while Democrats denounce Donald Trump’s sometimes totally incoherent outings.

In his video message, Joe Biden is frankly mocking: “Let’s choose the dates Donald. I heard you were free on Wednesday.”

The American president refers to the only weekly day off in the trial against his predecessor. Donald Trump, multiple criminal defendants, is required to appear in New York for the rest of the week in connection with a case of concealed payments to a former porn actress.

Joe Biden’s campaign team sent a letter to the commission which usually organizes electoral debates, to explain that its candidate would not comply with either the timetable or the conditions established by this body.

“For several reasons, the model in force for years is no longer in phase with the structure of our elections nor with the interests of voters,” we read in this letter. The commission had already set three dates: September 16, 1er October and October 9.

“Not entertainment”

The Biden camp argues that the first debate must take place earlier, to take into account Americans voting early, and the second “at the beginning of September”, so as not to weigh on the final sprint of the campaign until November.

Democrats are also demanding that the debate be held without an audience, in a television studio with only the two main candidates and presenters.

“The debate must be held for the benefit of the Americans who follow it on television, not as entertainment in front of an audience of agitated or disruptive supporters and donors,” wrote the chair of Joe Biden’s campaign, Jen O’Malley Dillon, in this letter to the Committee on Presidential Debates.

She also criticizes the commission for having been “incapable” of enforcing the rules on speaking time and interactions in 2020.

For the debates in June and September, “there must be a strict time limit for responses, and an alternation in speaking” to avoid untimely interruptions, the Biden camp is still demanding.

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