towards the elimination of plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables


Video length: 1 min

Food: towards the elimination of plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables

Food: towards the elimination of plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. Martel, A. Paris, Y. Juneau, A. Fisher, N. Dahan, C. La Rocca, J. Chouquet

France Televisions

Every year around the world, 460 million tonnes of plastic are produced. From January 1, 2024, plastic packaging will disappear for fruits and vegetables, with the exception of 29 products.

Single-use plastic is still very present in the fruit and vegetable aisle. One in three is sold packaged in France in supermarkets or at certain greengrocers. As of January 1, customers will have to do without fresh produce. The ban is supposed to have been applied since June, but manufacturers have until December 31 to comply.

Up to 45,000 euros fine

Sales in plastic will remain authorized in certain cases. 29 foods escape the rule, including early potatoes and carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, salad and even red fruits. Products considered too ripe, therefore fragile, and batches weighing more than 1.5 kg, are also exempt. Too many exceptions for environmentalists, if we wish to respect the objective of zero single-use plastic in 2040. From next week, traders and producers who do not respect the restriction will risk fines of up to 45,000 euros .

source site-14