two people injured by grenade throw


Video length: 2 min

Seine-Saint-Denis: two people injured by a grenade throw
Seine-Saint-Denis: two people injured by a grenade throw

The driver of a scooter, accused of having thrown a grenade on the evening of Thursday May 23 in Aubervilliers, is still wanted. Two people were seriously injured in the explosion.

A car riddled with impacts and windows blown out. A scene of extreme violence, the explosion of a grenade took place around 8:30 p.m., Thursday May 23, in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), in front of numerous witnesses. The detonation left two injured, including one seriously injured in the face and arm. The toll could have been higher, because many people were present, like a restaurateur who was taking a break in front of the sign. He was miraculously unharmed because the grenade fragments grazed him, passing through his window to the back of the restaurant.

An individual on a scooter threw a Yugoslav-made military grenade into the street. When it burst, it injured two people, one on a bicycle and one on the sidewalk, aged 40 and 51. Were they targeted or collateral victims? A deal point is located near the crime scene, according to investigators. The Seine-Saint-Denis judicial police have opened an investigation into possession of weapons and attempted murder.

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